FRANK 151: Scomo’s Smoko
Nov 15, 2023

Following the recent buzz surrounding the discovery of a bag of cocaine at the White House, public attention turned to Australia’s Parliament House to investigate any potential illicit activities. Documents obtained under freedom of information laws detailing drug-related incidents within Parliament House since 2022 have been released, revealing a singular peculiar report. As first reported by Crikey & later by Channel 9 News.

According to an Australian Federal Police report dated May 31, 2022, a patrol was dispatched to Parliament House at approximately 10 a.m. in response to the reception of a package containing cannabis. The report indicated that the return address on the package was attributed to “Scott Morrison, Canberra,” while the intended recipient was illegible and not affiliated with Parliament in any capacity. Intriguingly, the victim type was classified as “Regina,” following the police’s protocol for offenses against the Crown.

The scenario appears to involve an unidentified sender dispatching a package of marijuana to an indecipherable address while using “Scott Morrison, Canberra” as the return address. Consequently, when the intended recipient could not be identified, the package found its way to the Parliament House mail room.
While refraining from making assumptions about the sender’s motives, the incident raises questions about the unusual nature of the act. Whether an elaborate prank or a quirky form of commentary, the peculiar circumstance prompts speculation. Notably, at the time of the incident, Scott Morrison was not the Prime Minister. The timing of the delivery, roughly a week after a less hectic phase in his political career, adds a layer of intrigue.
Despite any criticisms directed at the former Australian Prime Minister Mr Scott Morrison over the years, it is essential to clarify that there is no indication that he was involved in sending the package. The incident prompts a closer look at the security measures in place within Parliament House and raises eyebrows at the unconventional nature of the addressed delivery.
A YouTube video illustrating a prank by the infamous duo Alec Zammitt & Will Stolk of “Who Are We Hurting?” documents a bag of cannabis being delivered to Kirribilli House, the residence provided to acting Australian Prime Ministers.
During Scomo’s administration and coinciding with April Fool’s Day in 2020, The dynamic crew of cannabis law reform activists, operating under the banner of “Who Are We Hurting,” spearheaded the commencement of a month of 4-2020 Cannabis protests and celebrations. Adhering strictly to social distancing protocols, the organization undertook a unique initiative by visiting the residence of Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison. The purpose was to extend a symbolic gesture of peace, aiming to contribute to the call for an end to the war on drugs in Australia.
Amidst a backdrop of economic uncertainties and widespread unemployment caused by the global pandemic, ‘Who Are We Hurting?’ emphasized the urgency for cannabis law reform. The organization underscored that the current circumstances make a compelling case for revisiting and revising drug policies.
“People are losing their jobs, and being confined to their households. There has never been a greater need for cannabis law reform,” expressed Alec Zammitt.
The visit to Prime Minister Scott Morrison was framed as a symbolic peace offering, with the organization advocating for the legalization of cannabis, drawing parallels with successful models in states like Colorado and California.

“The sad fact is everybody knows that cannabis isn’t nearly as bad for people as, say, alcohol or cigarettes. But no one wants to talk about it because it has such a stigma.”
“We’re just hoping to get people talking as we feel that Cannabis can help with anxiety during these troubling times as well as offer additional jobs to help the post-economic effects of this worldwide crisis”
“Legalizing cannabis, like in Colorado and California, will stimulate our economy, and provide much-needed cash flow for essential services in Australia” asserted Will Stolk. In a statement, The Who Are We Hurting Collective highlighted the need for unconventional approaches during these unprecedented times, stating, unprecedented times call for unprecedented changes.”
The organization believes that embracing a progressive stance on cannabis could positively impact public health, social justice, and the economy.
The progression of the war on drugs in Australia reached a significant milestone with the recent election of Jeremy Buckingham from the Legalise Cannabis NSW party as the first Member of Parliament (MP) in the NSW Legislative Assembly.
He can be seen in the video below, celebrating his first day in office as a NSW MP that just so happened to be the 20th of, which also so Apr 20, 2023, happens to be 4/20 a day synonymous with cannabis culture worldwide.
Mr Buckingham showed his support by participating in the 2023 publicity stunt that the “Who Are We Hurting collective” did by which the group drove a Military convoy of several military vehicles and a large Stretch Limo through the streets of Sydney Australia, to protest the unfair drug driving laws applied to the medicinal cannabis patients of Australia.
This development underscores the growing support for legalizing cannabis for both medicinal and recreational purposes across the country. Australia has witnessed substantial strides in drug law reforms, particularly in the ACT. Three years ago, in January 2020, cannabis was decriminalized, and in October 2023, further decriminalization of all drugs in personal amounts took place. This noteworthy transformation is discussed in a YouTube video hosted by the dynamic duo of Alec Zammitt and Will Stolk.

To delve into the various facets of the ACT’s new drug laws, The Craze Collective, a group of Australian YouTubers, ventured to Canberra. In this exploration, residents of the ACT share their perspectives, offering a resident-driven insight into the evolving landscape of drug laws in the Australian Capital Territory.
A new poll commissioned by drug law reform group Unharm has found half of Australians support the legalization of recreational cannabis. The online survey of 1,086 adults aged 18-plus, conducted by polling company Essential Research from March 30 to April 2, found 50% of respondents support making cannabis use legal, double the number recorded in the 2013 National Drug Strategy Household Survey, with the majority in favor of regulating and taxing cannabis sales like alcohol or tobacco. Meanwhile, 58% want medicinal cannabis made more affordable and accessible by allowing people with prescriptions to grow their own, and 62% support scrapping current drug-driving laws.
The pair hit the streets recently to find out Sydney’s take on legalization’s fate in a recent video.
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