CANNABIZ: Activist duo hit streets of capital as locals talk of ‘positive’ cannabis reform
Nov 15, 2023

Cannabis activists Alec Zammitt and Will Stolk have taken to the streets of Canberra to gauge public sentiment towards drug reform policies in the Australian Capital Territory.
In a departure from their usual pranks – which have included projecting pro-cannabis messages on to the Sydney Opera House, gifting a cannabis plant to Legalise Cannabis MP Jeremy Buckingham and driving a tank across the harbour bridge – the campaigning duo spoke to Canberrans about the decriminalisation of personal possession of small amounts of illicit drugs.
While possession of 50g of dried cannabis was decriminalised in 2020, the laws were extended late last month to include LSD, heroin and ecstasy.
In a seven-minute video, locals told how the 2020 reforms have had a largely positive effect, with one interviewee saying attitudes towards cannabis have been “healthier”.
“The consensus was the cannabis legislation changes were a step in the right direction but not far enough and the new legislation affecting all drugs are welcome changes,” Stolk said.
But other issues were raised, including frustrations over the continuing ban on the use of artificial light and temperature to grow cannabis.
Zammitt said: “The community identified key issues with current cannabis policy such as issues with theft and climate due to not being allowed to use artificial light sources as well as issues with seed supply. Currently a blind eye is turned regarding how legal growers obtain their seeds.”